Lavender Neck Wrap


Our lavender neck wrap helps make the most of those special moments when you are able to create a little time and space for yourself.  Made of the softest cotton flannel and filled with organic lavender and organic flax seeds, they can be heated in the microwave or cooled in the freezer. 

Our Lavender Neck Wrap provides calming aromatherapy while easing tension and tightness in your neck, shoulders, and back. The soft cotton introduces a gentleness to your skin while the heat from the organic flax seeds settles deep into your muscles, releasing the stress and anxiety that sits beneath your skin.  Finally, the calming aroma of lavender flowers fills the air, leaving you grounded, settled, and at peace.

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Our lavender neck wrap helps make the most of those special moments when you are able to create a little time and space for yourself.  Made of the softest cotton flannel and filled with organic lavender and organic flax seeds, they can be heated in the microwave or cooled in the freezer. 

Our Lavender Neck Wrap provides calming aromatherapy while easing tension and tightness in your neck, shoulders, and back. The soft cotton introduces a gentleness to your skin while the heat from the organic flax seeds settles deep into your muscles, releasing the stress and anxiety that sits beneath your skin.  Finally, the calming aroma of lavender flowers fills the air, leaving you grounded, settled, and at peace.

Our lavender neck wrap helps make the most of those special moments when you are able to create a little time and space for yourself.  Made of the softest cotton flannel and filled with organic lavender and organic flax seeds, they can be heated in the microwave or cooled in the freezer. 

Our Lavender Neck Wrap provides calming aromatherapy while easing tension and tightness in your neck, shoulders, and back. The soft cotton introduces a gentleness to your skin while the heat from the organic flax seeds settles deep into your muscles, releasing the stress and anxiety that sits beneath your skin.  Finally, the calming aroma of lavender flowers fills the air, leaving you grounded, settled, and at peace.

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Lavender Eye Pillow
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